Monday, July 15, 2013

More... older ones

2010 - Doll made from the book "CLOTH DOLLS" by Brenda Brightmore


2010 Black Kimono : apologies for the small pics.



Older Doll Pics

2011 commissioned dolls:  Twins Lamya & Layla


2012 Staff Association May Breakfast:  I named her "Mai Breakfast" (in my french accent) donated for silent auction


2012 - A belated birthday gift to my dearest spiritual friend.  Her name, "God's Angel of Grace". 

The wings were "Up-cycled" from a plastic milk carton, daisy petals (from the dollar store) and hot glue. The first wings I've every made.  They turned out pretty nice :-)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Trying something different: How to Video

wanted to share some of my favorite "how to" doll making videos.  hope this works!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Round 2 ~ Pin Dolls

Now I must admit that the following pin dolls are my favorite.  I just adore the 1920's & 30's...
Clara Bow
Josephine Baker   

Pin Dolls

My first ever Pin Doll was made as a name tag for the doll club that I joined, Indy Cloth Doll Makers.  The hair style I found while searching on Pinterest one day looking for all things on cloth doll making and this hair style was listed.

  And I am now hooked!  Thank you ladies! :-)

Disco Time

2003  I purchased Patti Medaris Culea's first book and I made a doll from one of the pattern (cannot remember which one it was...)  After reading the book (yes I read it from front to back-LOL) I learned to stuff doll parts properly, sculpting techniques to the face and body parts & applying color to the face.

I was proud of the shoes I made from polymer clay.  They turned out Great!
my apologies for the grainy pictures the originals were lost.


2008 Ballerina

In 2008, I purchased my 1st pattern of a ballerina. The pattern used for this doll is the "Sugar Plum Faery" by Becky Holloway. One of the techniques in the instructions was the use of eyelashes and creating a free standing doll stand were new techniques that was a challenge for me. But, I love a challenge!
By using this pattern, I gained new techniques to incorporate in the future dolls (and I have a LOT of IDEAS) that I want to make.

Darn.  I think that I have to fix the doll stand to make it more stable. It doesn't look stable enough for me...

Here are a few more pics showing different views of her.



Challenge Doll

This doll was made for the May 2013 "Create a character from Alice in Wonderland" challenge for the Indy Cloth Doll Makers & River City Doll club meeting.  Unfortunately I was not able to attend, but I enjoyed making her!




Something New...

This is a new tool for me to use and show off my cloth pins and dolls.  It's kind of exciting and scary at the same time :-)

I will be posting items from the past as well as the present.

I hope I get this right!

Enjoy & Happy Doll Making!